
Yoga poses are very effective in helping you to meditate. If you are curious, here are some of the best meditation postures that you can try out:

Easy posture

This is the most liked pose because it’s very easy. Here you only need to sit on the floor and reach for the ceiling in order to align and stretch the spine.

At this position you should cross our legs and place one ankle on top of the other while maintaining a straight line with your head, spine and neck.

Prosperous pose

This is another common pose. Here you need to reach up and stretch, and then cross your legs. You should then place one sole of one foot between the opposite thigh and calf and the sole of the other foot between the opposite thigh and calf.

You should then reverse the position after a few minutes by placing the other foot on top.

Lotus pose

This is an advanced pose; therefore, you need to be careful when practicing it. To begin the pose you need to align your spine and then place your ankle on top of the opposite thigh. For ideal results you should ensure that the ankle is as close as possible to the groin. mind space

You should then repeat this move with your other ankle by placing it on the opposite thigh. At this position you should turn your heels to face the ceiling and press the knees towards the floor. You should hold in this position for a few minutes and then unfold your legs and stretch them out.

Lighting pose

Also known as the Zen pose, this posture is very good in meditation. To assume the posture you need to sit on your heels and elongate your spine. For ideal results you should ensure that tops of your feet lay flat on the floor with your heels and knees together. You should hold in this position until you feel tension building.

These are some of the best meditation postures that you should consider doing. To prevent injury, you should always ensure that you prepare yourself before you engage in the poses.

For example, you should ensure that the room where you practice is uncluttered and has a flat surface. To increase concentration you should ensure that you practice in a quiet place.